Claims Services

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Tataachi - Claims Services

The core of our service is our claims team. Due to this, we employ the best claims experts on our team.

At Tataachi, managing claims is a turning point in our service. It is the point at which we fulfill our promise. Before, during, and after a loss, Tataachi is dedicated to providing its customers with an exceptional claims experience.

Our claims philosophy is problem-focused: With regard to significant and complex policies, we are dedicated to identifying preferred solutions through broad-based thinking while establishing relationships of trust with you based on consistency of experience. We place high importance on open communication, consistency, efficiency, and speed in the provision of services. A no-surprises culture is something we vigorously pursue in order to bring clarity and do away with ambiguity.

We never lose sight of the fact that claims are an opportunity to earn back our clients’ trust, not merely a financial obligation. In order to discover the best solution for our clients, we closely collaborate with them and their brokers, assembling an integrated team made up of our claims experts, underwriters, risk consultants, and other client service experts. Our team is well-known in the industry and has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to handling claims across all of our business lines.

When we learn about your loss, we’ll act swiftly.

  1. We shall confirm receipt of your claim notification and provide contact information.
  2. Make sure a professional gets in touch with you to discuss what to do if there is a significant loss.
  3. Provide you with assurance regarding your coverage as soon as feasible.
  4. Assist you to recover your claims payments promptly


We assist by ensuring the appropriate expert is assigned and committed to your case and attentive to your needs. They will collaborate closely with an organized global claims team as well as skilled service providers.

We are flexible and solution-focused. Our approach is straightforward and always mindful of your needs. We will work with you to come up with the best solution

Being solution-oriented and adaptable and always keeping your needs in mind is our strategy. As a team, we’ll brainstorm the ideal option with you.


Tataachi is committed to helping its clients reach their goals, personalize their event experiences, and provide an innovative environment, thus making a difference.

Dedicated Team
True Partners
Global Know-How
Focus On Innovation